Evaluate the following statements and assign (T) to the true statements and (F) to the false ones. Assume a Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm was run, starting at A and the adjacency lists are in alphabetical order. 

I. During the execution of the algorithm, 3 trees were needed to visit all vertices.

II. The vertex that goes from E to B is the only backword edge.

III.  There are a total of 5 tree edges and 4 cross edges.

IV.  The following order would be returned when applying a topological sort: B, C, E, A, D, F.

The correct sequence is:

a) T, T, F, F

b) F, F, T, T

c) T, T, F, T

d) T, F, T, F

e) None of the above. 

Original idea by: Karla Florentino


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