
Considering how the scaling regimes characterizing the nonlinear Barabási-Albert model. Analyze the following statements, for a starting network with 1 node: I. Approximately 2980 nodes need to be added to the network, to achieve k ₘ ₐ ₓ = 64, in case of a = 0,5. II. Approximately 100 nodes need to be added to the network, to achieve  k ₘ ₐ ₓ  = 10, in case of  a  = 1,5. III. Approximately 250000 nodes need to be added  to the network, to achieve  k ₘ ₐ ₓ  = 500, in case of  a  = 1. IV. Approximately 800 nodes need to be added to the network, to achieve  k ₘ ₐ ₓ  = 800, in case of  a  = 0,5. A. I and III are correct. B. I, II, and III are correct. C.  II and IV are correct. D.  II, III and IV are correct. E. None of the above. Original idea by: Karla Florentino
Consider a scale-free network with 5,000 nodes and a degree exponent γ = 3. Knowing that the probability of finding a node with degree k decreases as  k increases. What is the approximate percentage of nodes with a degree of 3 or more? And 15 or more? A. 25% and 5%,  respectively. B. 5% and 0%,  respectively. C. 40% and 2%,  respectively. D. 14% and 3%,  respectively. E. None of the above. Original idea by: Karla Florentino
 In a random network with 3000 nodes and an average degree <k> of 1.75, what is the most likely probability for a given node to have exactly 50 neighbors? a) Very high –  Given the network's large size, it’s possible that many nodes are connected as a giant component. b) Moderate – Given the network's large size, having 50 neighbors is somewhat likely due to the sparse connectivity. c) Moderate –  Given the average degree, having 50 neighbors is uncommon, but possible. d) Very low – Given the average degree, having 50 neighbors is extremely unlikely due to the sparse connectivity. e) None of the above.  Original idea by: Karla Florentino
Evaluate the following statements and assign (T) to the true statements and (F) to the false ones. Assume a  Depth First Search ( DFS) algorithm was run, starting at A and the adjacency lists are in alphabetical order.  I. During the execution of the algorithm, 3 trees were needed to visit all vertices. II. The vertex that goes from E to B is the only backword edge. III.  There are a total of 5 tree edges and 4 cross edges. IV.  The following order would be returned when applying a topological sort: B, C, E, A, D, F. The correct sequence is: a) T, T, F, F b) F, F, T, T c) T, T, F, T d) T, F, T, F e) None of the above.  Original idea by: Karla Florentino